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RREM New website – OJS platform starting with June 2017

RREM New website – OJS platform starting with June 2017

RREM New website – OJS platform starting with June 2017


RREM New website – OJS platform starting with June 2017
Perceptia publica asupra sanctiunilor din România. Sondaj de opinie în rândul locuitorilor din Regiunea de Nord-Est Centrul de Cercetari So...
Cercetare | Perceptia publica asupra sanctiunilor din Romania
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala  (RREM) has a new home. Starting from October 2016, you can access the journal at t...
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala has a new website | OJS PLATFORM
LUMEN Publishing House proudly announce its membership in COPE.  The RREM  details are added to the COPE website. (more…)
RREM is member of Committee of Publication Ethics