Table of Contents| Volume 2, No.3, April, Year 2010 (more…)
Volume 2, No.3, April, Year 2010
Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education/Year 2, No. 3, April, Year 2010
Freedom as a hermeneutical pretext
Freedom as a hermeneutical pretext [Libertatea ca pretext hermeneutic] | Antonio SANDU (more…)
Poetry: primitive form of language in the philosophy of Giambattista Vico
Poetry: primitive form of language in the philosophy of Giambattista Vico [Poezia: forma primitiva a limbii în filosofia lui Giambattista Vico] | Gabriela LUNGU (more…)
Appreciative Management – A Management based on Excellence
Appreciative Management – A Management based on Excellence [Managementul Apreciativ – Un management de excelenta] | Simona PONEA (more…)
Roles, responsabilities and situations faced by supervisor
Roles, responsabilities and situations faced by supervisor [Rolurile, responsabilitatile si situatiile intampinate de supervizor] | Bianca VLASA (more…)