Table of Contents | Volume IV, Issue 3, December 2012 (more…)
Volume 4, Issue 3, December, Year 2012
Primary Qualification of Matrimonial Regime Notion
Primary Qualification of Matrimonial Regime Notion | Nadia Cerasela ANITEI (more…)
Romanian Deaf Sign Languages Projects – an Overview
Romanian Deaf Sign Languages Projects - an Overview | Florea BARBU & Ionut Adrian CHIRIAC (more…)
British Philosopher Gilbert Ryle’s Perspective on Behaviorism
British Philosopher Gilbert Ryle’s Perspective on Behaviorism | Elena BANCIU
Abstract: Published in 1890, William James’ manual, The principles of psychology, followed by Psychology (lectures) in 1892, form the foundation of behaviorism. The same year, Animal life and intelligence by C. Lloyd Morgan correlates with James' view, extending it to wildlife. The next step was taken by Lloyd Morgan, with the publication of An introduction to comparative psychology (1894), in which the issue of trial...
Policy Perspectives on Migration of Romanian Health Personnel
Policy Perspectives on Migration of Romanian Health Personnel | Irina CEHAN
Abstract: The phenomenon of international migration of healthcare professionals has increased in the last decade and, although it is not a reason for the world crisis of labour in area of healthcare in some countries, it is indeed a major element of human resource shortages. Romania is an example for a country where the significant scale of emigration of healthcare professionals has severely added to the crisis of the h...