Self-searching, the Anchor in the River of Globalization | Simona Irina DAMIAN, Roxana Magdalena NECULA & Andreea HEFCO
Abstract: When the soul is affected, the body suffers too. The fluctuations of the individual identity, determined by a feeling of uprooting occurred as a result of educational and labour migration, foreign cultural patterns, new corporate attitudes influencing the market, produce emotional disturbances, even pathological, among individuals affected by this phenomenon. Holding grudges, being corrupted by ancient resentments or uncertain pains, has an effect to soul similar to poison and manifests as diseases of the body. Many diseases that we experience are caused by a lack of forgiveness. In general, we are reluctant to this diagnosis because we don’t want to believe that a certain pain, located in a part of our body, can be caused by something abstract and unaccountable in our laboratories. Forgiveness is a voluntary act that frees us from negative feelings or emotions that maintain the pain, therefore being an effective method for the treatment of depression.
Keywords: globalization, migration, national identity, alienation, depression, forgiveness.