Our publication is a Romanian Scientific Review which is rising in the domain of education, which has in site to promote the new multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives both in terms of the theories on children and/ or adult education, of educational methodology, of partnership between the educator and educated one, and the special dimension on continuous education and social action through educational strategies. Articles offered for publication will be subject to a process of blind peer review, in case of special issue, the peer review responsibility is of the Guest Editor.
Special Issues became an important component of LUMEN journals. They deal with more focused topics with high current interest falling within the scope of the journal in which they are published. They should be organized by recognized experts in the area and attract articles of the highest quality.
Our special issue system divides its self in two dimensions:
Editorial Board proposes a special issue with a special topic:
Editorial Board invites contributors, experienced researchers and or practitioners, to submit papers around topics of the chosen topic, those issues has invited Guest Editor/s, being invitation-based thematic special issue.
The subscriptions for this type of special issue are the same as for regular issues.
Contributors/Guest Editors propose a Special Issue:
Contributors (organized by guest editor/s) are invited to propose a special issue. Experienced researchers and or practitioners are welcome to propose, organize, and guest edit special issues around topics of their interest and expertise.
The meeting-based special issues are those whose content derives from conferences, symposia, or meetings, where normally the participants pay fees.
Procedures for Contributors/Guest Editors propose a Special Issue
Special Issue proposals are welcome at any time during the year, and should be submitted to prlumen2@gmail.com
Proposals for Special Issues:
Should be submitted by the Guest Editorial Team (1 Lead Guest Editor and 2-3 Guest Editors) and should include the following:
- The journal for which the Special Issue is intended
- A suggested title for the Special Issue (should not exceed 10 words)
- Proposed Aims and Scope, giving an overview of the Special Issue’s intended focus and a list of the topics to be covered
- A list of the Guest Editorial Team including their names, emails, affiliations
- A proposed time line and schedule which includes:
- Deadline for submission (3-6 months from the initial Call-for-Papers)
- First round of review (2 months after submission deadline)
- Tentative publication date (3 months after the first round of review)
All proposals are subject to approval by the journal following a discussion of the proposed Special Issue among the journal’s Editorial Board. If approved, a Call-for-Papers for the Special Issue will be issued and posted online. Special Issue Guidelines with full details of the editorial workflow are available on individual journal web sites.
Special Issues are made freely available online to all interested readers leading to the maximum possible dissemination and recognition within the scientific community. Special Issues can be viewed and downloaded on the individual article level, but are also available in an edited volume format as a single PDF published with a custom cover. They are also made available in print for all readers interested in a print edition.
Proposal Period
There are expected continuous submissions of special issue proposal via prlumen2@gmail.com. Evaluation of the special issue proposal will be made within 2 months.
The role of Guest Editors
Maximum three of contributor whose proposal has been accepted and scheduled for production take the role of Guest Editors. Guest Editors work in close collaboration with the editor-in-chief and executive board of the Journal, whose role is to provide help and ensure that the editorial procedure (dissemination of the call for papers, refereeing process, communication with authors) is smooth and timely. Duties of Guest Editors include:
- Inviting leading authors to contribute guest papers to the prospective volume.
- Writing and disseminating a call for papers.
- Selecting and allocating reviewers for submitted and invited papers. Our editorial policy requires two blind reviewers for each submitted paper and encourages reviewing for invited papers.
- Selecting papers for the volume on the basis of the peer review. Guest editors are in charge of acceptance/rejection/revision and resubmission decisions and notify the editorial board on each of these decisions.
- Writing an introduction to the volume.
- Preparing the manuscript of the volume, making sure that the guidelines are respected so as to facilitate the publisher’s work.
The contact editor will serve as the contact between the volume’s editorial team and the journal board. S/he is accountable for the progress of the volume preparation and for reporting to the board any problems that may arise.
From a conference or scientific event could result one or more issues, with the same or different guest editors.
Guest editors has full responsibility for peer review, but the publisher could demand the guest editor to provide the final peer review form for accepted papers, in order to verify the existence of peer review process.
Condition of Publication of Special Issue
In order for a special issue to appear there are necessary between 20 and 25 papers. Being a meeting-based special issue, this type of special issue requires an additional publication fee, specifically:
– 50 Euros /paper: for preparing, analyzing, editing in view of publication, manufacturing the covers and shipping of one special issue dedicated to any scientific event organized in Romania or abroad.
An agreement will be established and signed between the two parties: the Editor-in-Chief of Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education and the representative of the scientific event organizers, or guest editor who proposed the special issue, where the details of the cooperation are commonly agreed and set.
The conference organizers are obliged to send to the journal the selected manuscripts written according to the Guidelines for Contributors and evaluated by at least two external reviewers. The manuscripts should be sent at least four months before the special issue will appear, so as to make possible additional peer-review cycles. All editing aspects regarding regular issues are valid for a conference issue, as well. An author cannot appear on more than four papers in a conference issue.
On this type of special issue is not applicable the subscriptions procedures. The only fees for this issue are those mentioned above.
The Editorial is free of charge and exceeds the number of the papers.
Special issue could not include book reviews.