The Moral Values and Dilemmas in Romanian University. The Influence of Prosperity on Ethical Behavior| Magdalena IORGA (more…)
Volume 4, Issue 2, August, Year 2012
Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education, Volume 4, Issue 2, August, Year 2012
Implementing Bologna Process: Taking into Account what Students Think and Improving Professor’s Performance in Class
Implementing Bologna Process: Taking into Account what Students Think and Improving Professor’s Performance in Class | Fernando Diez ESTELLA (more…)
Martial Arts Anthropology for Sport Pedagogy and Physical Education
Martial Arts Anthropology for Sport Pedagogy and Physical Education | Wojciech J. CYNARSKI, Kazimierz OBODYNSKI & Howard Z. ZENG (more…)
The 2008 Election Moment. Iasi, the First Uninominal Elections
The 2008 Election Moment. Iasi, the First Uninominal Elections | Nicolae LUPASCU (more…)
Review for the volume Body Language. Communication and interpretation, by Barbu Florea, published at Lumen Publishing House, 2011
Review for the volume Body Language. Communication and interpretation, by Barbu Florea, published at Lumen Publishing House, 2011 | Ana CARAS (more…)