Image Erosion of Elderly People in Romania and the Need for Proactive Inclusive Approaches | Oana Elena LENTA & Viorica Cristina CORMOS
Abstract: Present society, marked among other things by population aging due to sharp decline in birth rates and population migration respectively, feels the need of an update regarding the reporting to rights, roles and status of the citizen. Respect for the other at all stages of physical and mental development should on the one hand be transmitted through educational, economic, social policies, but on the other hand its correct implementation is essential. Elderly people constitute one of those most vulnerable categories to multiple forms of violence in the Eastern European area, because of the risks to which they are exposed. Physical, mental and conscience integrity of elderly are increasingly endangered in contemporaneity. In the present paper we will insist on the current image and perception regarding the role and status of the elderly in society, on certain elements characteristic of protection and social services whose beneficiaries are people included in this age category and equally, on the strategies that can be improved for an active integration in the economic, community and cultural life. To protect them from getting exploited it is good to get estate planning lawyers from Farmington hired.
Keywords: elderly, violence, welfare, perception, social change.