Legitimizing the Educational Experience in the context of the Didactic Methodology

Legitimizing the Educational Experience in the context of the Didactic Methodology | Marius-Costel ESI

Abstract: The didactic methodology reminds of the idea of an efficient functioning of the education process. In this way, the systemic perspective of the didactic methodology illustrates the way in which the educational experience transposed at the level of the teaching-learning-evaluating activity. Thus, the didactic courses of action initiated in the context of the educational reality emphasize an image that legitimizes the experience of learning itself in general. Therefore, from a pragmatic perspective, the didactic methodology represents a transposition of the educational strategies in relevant learning situations and adequate (self) training actions.

Keywords: didactic activity, educational methodology, didactic methodology, didactic technology, educational experience.


Legitimizing the Educational Experience in the context of the Didactic Methodology