Mentalitatea romaneasca de la homo balcanicus la homo europeus | Antonio SANDU & Oana BRADU
Abstract: Balkan mentality has been created at the crossroads between East and West, between the Christian world and the Muslim, between the points of commercial crossing roads and armies too. The Balkan world, realising the double extent, on the one hand the European institutions, and on the other the eastern side, to full authority, invented a concept specifically – the forms without substance. Essentially anomic, the Balkan culture, does not reject the rule, but send it into ridiculous, as something created to be broken. Balkan man, on the dawn of the XXI century, adopts the institutions of European culture and have the tendency to transform them into forms without substance.
Keywords: normative, mentality, homo balcanicus.
Mentalitatea romaneasca de la homo balcanicus la homo europeus