The need for philosophical education in contemporary society [Nevoia de educatie filosofica in societatea contemporana] | Antonio SANDU
Abstract: Place of philosophy in the contemporary world seems condemned to be an ongoing archeology of the mind, which can produce something new only epigonic reliving the great moments of its own history. The study of Philosophy is generally condemned to the status of auxiliary discipline introduced in school curricula and university, mainly to strengthen the general culture of graduates. Reformulation of philosophical issues from a specific kaleidoscopic thinking of the contemporary world that is denying the great structural approaches can be developed through the convergence of sequences fractals completely disparate. The methodology of this study intends to overcome phenomenological structuralism with deconstruction of the reality, understood as a negotiation of interpretations. Scientism of the twentieth century, the focus shifted on the fields of philosophical discourse as: epistemology and philosophy of science, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind, emerging as meta-theoretical discourses on knowledge and thus saving philosophy from uselessness. As science has gradually rebuilt its instruments in the second part of the twentieth century, Philosophy gradually falling back to Actuality as analysis and interpretation of human meanings offered by the new fields of research opened by science.
Keywords: Philosophy, teaching philosophy, hermeneutics of reality, the crisis of philosophy.
The need for philosophical education in contemporary society