Why do ECE Teachers Need To Be Mentored by ECE Administrators?

Why do ECE Teachers Need To Be Mentored by ECE Administrators? | Peter KIRIAKIDIS

Abstract: Why do ECE teachers need to be mentored by ECE administrators? At the data site, the research problem was that students are not meeting the required standards of proficiency in state testing and schools are failing to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) as mandated by the No Child Left Behind of 2001. In an effort to comply with the NCLB Act (2001) mandates, the local school district supported ECE teachers through a mentoring program to address student achievement. School leaders at the data site needed research-based findings on the evaluation of the ECE mentoring program. A sample of n = 66 participants was purposefully selected and interviewed. The findings revealed that mentoring helps ECE teachers. Institutes of higher education, professional development providers, administrators’ associations, school districts, and school leaders may benefit from having an awareness of how mentoring helps ECE teachers to improve their instructional practices. Effectiveness of teachers can be increased through opportunities for ongoing, systemic, and systematic mentoring; however, mentoring needs to be intentional, ongoing, and both systemic and systematic.

Keywords: ECE Teachers, ECE Mentors, Professional Development, Mentoring, and K-12 Administrators.




Why do ECE Teachers Need To Be Mentored by ECE Administrators?