Tabel of contents | Volume 1, No.1, August, Year 2009
Volume 1, No.1, August, Year 2009
1 Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education/Year1, No.1, August, Year 2009
Mentalitatea romaneasca de la homo balcanicus la homo europeus
Mentalitatea romaneasca de la homo balcanicus la homo europeus | Antonio SANDU & Oana BRADU (more…)
Corruption and Anti-Corruption Strategies: An Assessment Framework
Corruption and Anti-Corruption Strategies: An Assessment Framework | Octavian ARON (more…)
The Influence of Trade Unions on Pension Reform in Romania and Hungary: The Role of Ideas, Interests and Institutions in Policy-Making
The Influence of Trade Unions on Pension Reform in Romania and Hungary: The Role of Ideas, Interests and Institutions in Policy-Making | Monica BUCURENCIU (more…)
Globalization and Social Policy
Globalization and Social Policy | Monica BUCURENCIU (more…)